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I did a search and found out some people call him Papa Noel in English too. It took some time to find out since I didn't find the name "Noel" quickly.

Anyway, here's a riddle:

What is





I did a search and found out some people call him Papa Noel in English too. It took some time to find out since I didn't find the name "Noel" quickly.

Anyway, here's a riddle:

What is






You need to read some of Piers Anthony's Xanth books. Seriously, mate. With the way you love puns...
Smart_Guy: Do you have the same propensity for puns within your native language? I have long held a theory that people more readily understand wordplay and puns within secondary languages, because the words are not as "natural" to them.
I prefer finding new puns myself, so if I read anything about them it would just be for my own amusement. Oh, when I searched for the image of the middle part (the donkey), I got some interesting search results, so I ended up searching for "donkey" instead of it :D

Yeah, it is as Tech. said: disastrophe... I mean catastrophe. Not that it's that difficult to begin with :D

Foothead: nope, it is as you expected. My language is so complicated that puns and word play are rare. I noticed it in English since I was little because it was something new to me indeed.
I had always been under the impression that Arabic was structurally very similar to English. I based this off the observation that machine translations from Arabic to English seem to display a much higher level of fluency than translations from other source languages. Is this not the case?
I don't have to look for ass... I just look in the mirror.

Took me and my coworkers two days to replace a fuel shut-off valve, only to find out that the one we installed is bad from stock.
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