Random Chit Chat

From the online experience I had, all the tests and homework submission were through the online portal. The math tests are funky because they can sometimes get caught up on the way you enter the answer. Like if you put 32.11 instead of 32.1 it marks you wrong :(

Didn't notice that you were in Aurora, nice to see another Colorado'n.
uh-oh. Our power bill was £120 this month. Not good news! I'm turning my server into a desktop. Ah well - that means that MY desktop will get an extra 1TB of storage space!
Not really! I think that energy prices are different in the US - But it's still a lot of money! It was an estimated bill, so we will probably get SOME credit..
gone for a few days,
facebook asked to varify its me
makes me ID a few friends from pics,
there pages freezes, so i refresh it.
Blocks me for an additional hour because i failed to ID friends

FU FB, ur shits broke.

My electric bills 45$/ month lol
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