Prop 8, Gay Marriage, the whole shabang...

I don't support them using the term marriage, but I'm all for civil unions.

Do you think that straight couples should have the ability to get married though? While telling gay couples they have to get civil unions?
I'm asking you as a citizen and voter. Why you think it's fair to use your own power to take away other peoples' rights.

I voted as to how I felt on the issue, just as you voted the way you did.

Obama also feels it should be left for the states to decide. Well, we in California decided. (For the second time)

I voted as to how I felt on the issue, just as you voted the way you did.

This is different though - if I was against the idea of gay marriage (which I'm not), I would have just not voted. This alone says that you do no support gay couples getting married, but also will not put effort into preventing them from doing so when it poses no threat or change whatsoever in your life. Big difference between voting yes and just not voting

And about the Obama thing; like I said, I don't agree with the guy on every issue. Neither do you obviously, so I'm not sure why you're quoting his beliefs, he's not like some god to me lol -- the legal union of two people should be a given right to every American; it isn't something states should be able to vote on - it's a RIGHT. All men are created equal. And for god's sake the states certainly shouldn't be able to vote for a proposition to TAKE AWAY RIGHTS.

You put my views in one sentence. Good job.

But guys is it really fair to have an entire generation of people have to wait for this to happen just because the process of law and government are so slow? Yes, civil unions make much more sense, but until marriage has no legal meaning, they are not good enough.
So you're saying that if you're against a proposition, you wont vote on it and let somebody else decide your fate? :rolleyes:


I'm not telling you how I voted on the issue. That's one of my greatest rights as an American citizen.

I don't care how you voted, I just think it's ridiculous that you don't think every man or woman, regardless of their sexual orientation, should have the right to become a part of society just like everybody else, without redefining what the country will recognize as legal love. Separate but equal ring a bell to ANYONE?

You know, that little phrase and philosophy that oppressed an entire race from being able to be equal and happy with every other American? Some day our kids will look back on this discussion with the same awe as we do with civil rights - wondering how an entire generation of people could support the unequal treatment of an entire group of people for a lifestyle choice they cannot choose.
I don't care how you voted, I just think it's ridiculous that you don't think every man or woman, regardless of their sexual orientation, should have the right to become a part of society just like everybody else, without redefining what the country will recognize as legal love. Separate but equal ring a bell to ANYONE?

Now you're putting words into my mouth. defines marriage as the following:

- the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.

I'll leave it at that.
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