The problem with not doing your research...


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Welwyn Garden City, United Kingdom
People are all Pro-facebook and anti-wikileaks it seems. I'm not promoting illegal activity, I just don't see how exposing corporate blunders is conceivably more devious than selling 600 million people's details to said corporations

Because one we gave our info to freely and knowingly. The other published military information potentially putting us in danger.
Because one we gave our info to freely and knowingly. The other published military information potentially putting us in danger.

This. I agreed to a EULA with facebook saying they could do whatever they wanted. Corporations did not sign a EULA to the founder of wikilinks saying he could give away their secrets.
People don't seem to understand that Wikileaks did nothing illegal. They are considered a media organization, and are protected under the first amendment. The government ignored this and made them out to be the villain, repeatedly stating that they were breaking the law and attempting to censor them, though I don't recall them ever stating which law was being broken. I did a bit of research on this a while back, and found a supreme court precedent that ruled that the media is able to hold and release classified information, as long as they didn't do anything illegal to obtain it. New York Times Co. v. United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I find it ridiculous that this ruling was completely ignored by both the government and the media, despite the fact that it was a pretty much identical case. All I ever saw on the news was people arguing over whether or not it was morally okay, like that somehow changes the laws in place.
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