President Trump sworn in

~mr mixx~

The Candyman
Ok now that president Trump is sworn in lets get down to business..

1) Undo all the executive orders that Obummer put into effect.

2) Get rid of Obummercare.

3) Drain the swamp.

4) Get rid of the Federal Reserve.

5) Build that wall.

I have hope that Trump will make some great changes and make America great again. We'll just have to wait and see.
There are things he's not gonna be able to do so don't get your hopes too high.

At least he can make some changes where the moochers and the illegals gonna lose.
I have a friend in the US who I talk with on Skype and he went to one of the protests in Oregon at the University near Springfield I believe its called.

Its certainly going to be interesting 4 years.
Yup, and let's not forget about the paid shills that were paid by George Soros. I watched a video on Youtube and they done some research and found out ppl were offered $15 dollars an hour to create chaos at the protests. Luckily there were lots of bikers there too keeping the peace and making sure it didn't get out of control.
I found it amusing that when Obama won, the conservatives accepted it with grace and dignity, they were not happy, but they accepted it, but when Trump won, the liberals resorted to violence and hatred, the same people that protested for peace in another decade. I guess when you are a liberal, you are liberal in all things including intolerance to change. They feel that whatever they do or however they live, they must be tolerated, but refuse to allow that to flow both ways.

I also found it humorous that a lot of gay men were bashing Trump as a misogynist, but Trump loves women so much he has married them yet the gay men would never consider such a thing. Who's misogynistic again?

Well, let's build the wall, and start getting back out property from those that would take it illegally.
At this point, all we can do is wait to see how long it takes Trump to completely hose the US or even start another world war.
I think it's a lot more likely that Tha US will do what's right for the US and to hell with what's best for other know, the way the other countries do what's right for themselves.

U S A... U S A... U S A!
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