Peterson to be executed.


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Do you guys agree with this or not?

I don't: I think life in a cell is far worse then being executed.
I'm kind of a weenie about capital punishment; I don't think a life for a life teaches anyone anything, but of course there are reprehensible cases where it seems the only option. Nonetheless, especially in the current political and cultural climate in the USA, if you kill an expectant mother you should expect the harshest sentence possible if convicted.

It sounds like he'll probably spend his life in a cell anyways. The backlog for death row in California runs for years and years. And if he tries to appeal (which he will) that could also take years and years. He may not see the executioner for 20 years or more. So it looks like he's got the worst of both worlds regardless of the sentence.
Well if you look at news right now, he was just sentenced to death.... That decision is pretty much final.
I think people are weak on justice if they oppose the death penalty. Life in a prison would be too easy. He must sentenced to death because he committed a crime which was cold blooded. He may not see death for twenty years because of the retarded California Democrat Party and its mismanagement of the justice system.
I'm going to have to agree with Giancarlo on this one. Man, covering up a murder seems so hard these days, ya know? Just the other day I killed someone named "Laci Peterson" and they found me guilty of murder! And even sentenced me to death! Sheesh, tough critics. Seriously people, get real. Scott wasn't innocent. He'll never be innocent, or for that matter, alive anymore. He deserves death.
Absolutely. He planned this murder in a calculating way and the evidence showed it. He is nothing more then a cold blooded killer.
How can the death penalty be too kind? I'd like some explanation to that. It is the most tough punishment one could face.
Not really. If you live in a cell it is worse because death is quick and then its over no more suffering.
Where as life in prison is worse than death in my opinion
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