OMG I am in some very SERIOUS Trouble!!!


Golden Master
JESUS CHRIST! I F THERE IS ANYONE ON /B/ HERe! STOP posting now. OMG, YESTERADY I got an email FROM THE FBI! Because someone was reporting IPs to them. They are going to give me a visit tommorow. My internet access is denied so I am posting from a library. It is fucking crazy. They came to my apartment already but I wasn't there... Oh my god I barely even post on it.

/B/ DESTROYED MY LIFE, IT MADE ALL MY FRIENDSNOT LIKE ME... I just moved away from philly cause I was in trouble over there, I moved out to cali to make a new life and now 4chan has ruined it.... Back in philly I just got into one little fight and my mom got scared and said, "You are moving with your aunt and uncle in bel-air." I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said "fresh" and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought "nah, forget it, yo homes, to bel-air." I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and yelled to the cabbie "yo homes, smell ya later." Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit on my throne as the prince of bel air.
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