Medically Active Month


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This month I have paid a vist to the ER 2 times, both due to football, one time I slide into some glass and stuff that was on the field and I didn't see it. the other broke my nose when the ball hit me in the face (caught it) then a really big dude hit me knocking me back finishing off the little of my nose left. Then I had a K.O (Hit the side of a cruve when being tackled) didn't go the ER for that but should of. Today I maxed out and I felt like adding 50 Lbs to my already max, and I injured my back and have a hard time sitting up so I get to go to the doc tomorrow too. My mom and dad sdaid they refuse tot ake me to the gym for a week now that really sucks.
Yea I figure its time to slow down. I've been worried about football season got off the phone with the coach and all, I had a really bad personnal trainer he thought working my body to death would do me some good, now i'm out for at least a week. ALl the other injuries though were on my part mainly.
No, I mean the glass, and broken nose and even the K.O wasn't that bad. When I hit the curve I got knocked out for like 2 or 3 mins and woke back up and was fine expect for a headache. The back though I hate the most I hate not being able to work out. After about 3 days I start losing muslce mass. The glass the nurse could of tooken care of but since there was broken glass school sent me to the hostipital. And since the broken nose hurt like a mug I didn' mind going to the hostipital.
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