Meaning of life?

Yeah I believe in Evoloution too

I really do think the purpose of life is to be born, find a mate, make babies, and so pass on your genes, and then when you die, you have someone that carries the human race on.

That is how I believe things work, not counting how complex we are, and how many thoughts we have, as animals work exactly the same way. Us being Mammal for instance means we must work the same way as dolphins, and other animals with backbones.
Its just the way things are, that we have dominated the world. We are the predator
Eyes0nly said:
The answer is 42...according to the movie hitchhikers guide to the galaxy

lol, right when I read the first post I was like...hmmm...I wonder if someone said 42.

I have always thought that I am the only human being on the planet. All of you are just robots trying not to let me find out that you are robots. So I live my life thinking that my family and friends are just like me when in fact they are just robots put here to control and fool me. Then if I find out they will kill me, so I have never gutted someone to find out if you guys really are robots. So I guess you all are doing a good job.

Then I guess life could be a program that god wrote in A. A is a very old computer language that B was based on, which C was based on B and from C, C++ was formed.
hehe thats just mad... Maybe everyones just side actors, and your the main one.
I guess in a way you can think this, but nothing would make sense if everyone thought this. Unless all the side actors believed they had a bigger part. So in which case I am a side actor, and you are the main actor... hehe...hmm.... I honestly don't think so

Maybe there just isn't a reason. Maybe we are here to fill our 90 years age, pass on genes, and then die, never to live again, never to see anything again, just nothing... i know its hard, and people don't want to believe it, but you never know. When you die, your mind does, so nothing of you can exist...

I guess no one knows, and the stupid thing is, how come people who have passed away in heaven don't give a sign they are in heaven??? At least then we'd know it was completly true, but we never find out... and no one never will, until they die, not being able to pass on what they know to the living... Pretty weird if you think about it if you believe in that
"Yeah I believe in Evoloution too

I really do think the purpose of life is to be born, find a mate, make babies, and so pass on your genes, and then when you die, you have someone that carries the human race on."

No thats Human instinict, also better known as "Greed", Where one strives to keep his own foturne. I say lets all become robots and clones, or do we still need females?
Your brain is electrical impulse's, *GASP* not sum soul get over yourself. what happens when you shutdown your computer? It doesnt crap itself like people do ill tell ya that.
Yeah but the instinct is what were supposed to drive on, if we weren't so smart.
Animals and other creatures do exactly the same thing, just follow there instinct. Whcih makes me think this must be the reason since it's been carried on since the world started, adn why the human race is still around now. Without that instinct, you wouldn't even like the opposite sex, they'd b no need to.

"It doesnt crap itself like people do ill tell ya that."

I don't get that, though the only reason it stores its info is because it's actually stored in something that keeps.
Our brain wouldn't retain anything if it was shut off, all the cells would die creating our brain in the first place, hence why smoe people get brain damaged after bad operations, and why they don't carry on resussiating after a certain amount of time (about 3 mins)

People just believe differnet things, which is something which being smart lets us do. If its true or not, we will never ever know
I knew someone would say 42, and if they hadn't id say it myself
i think its to lead a happy and fulfilling life, whatever that means to you, personally that means being rich and having Bill Gates assasinated, Assassin_666, can you libe up to your name and help me on this one, PM me.
Anyway, i sometimes think the world is like an experiement and whatever i do people are watching me and laughing at the fact i think modern computers are so good when in fact its 3075, and computers are the sixe of small postage stamps and are easil faster than the modern super-computer. The thing is theres no way to prove or disprove this, we have to live in the hope it is the "real" world that we live in. I hate to quote it but its a bit like the matrix, we cannot possibly know if the world we live in is a program or is the real world, unless someone hacks it or something like that :):)
Crap them selfs was oppased to sumone who died, read up on how humans die and what happens, hint the bowels lossen
fyi, instinct and thought are different. Animals mostly have short term memory, and some long term(its been beaten into them enoff).
Do animals have a conscious?
Its all coincidence, lucky us.

<about that Matrix thing, Id rather be hooked up to a machine.
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