Looking for a new faith

I think it depends on where you are located to say "it takes more guts to stand by your religion". For instance, i live in the bible belt, the deep south, whatever you want to call it. only one of my friends knows im atheist (and only in a sense...like its more pagan than aethist. and no paganism isnt 'i worship the devil', or 'lets make magic and kill those ppl', those are lies the church spread to gain support way back when...) bc if i tell someone down here that i dont believe in god they go nuts and look at me like im an alien or something. my dad and i share a lot of the same beliefs..oh right...the point of the thread...

you just need to find it yourself. getting "bored" of a religion can mean a bizillion things but for me it meant i was doubting. for a friend of mine it meant she needed to change religions. she became a jew. its all up to you. i highly recommend doing what you're doing and gather information. and always remember you can start your own faith, completely unrelated to any existing one.
i believe in god, but i dont follow any religious morals. I believe what i want. The movie dogma kind of throws a good idea out about religions and what to believe.
Hahahahahahah, this topic, hahahahaha, everyone POINT AND LAUGH!

Either way, I don't beleive in any religion, I don't label myself as a atheis. I'm 50/50 about god, if he does exist he's unfair and mean, and if he doesn't then equallity is possible. Just beleive in what you want to beleive, that's why most people in America beleive in christianity, that and the goverment is ran by them, and you are forced to beleive in him at school.
BanChan said:
Hahahahahahah, this topic, hahahahaha, everyone POINT AND LAUGH!

Either way, I don't beleive in any religion, I don't label myself as a atheis. I'm 50/50 about god, if he does exist he's unfair and mean, and if he doesn't then equallity is possible. Just beleive in what you want to beleive, that's why most people in America beleive in christianity, that and the goverment is ran by them, and you are forced to beleive in him at school.
If your 50 / 50 about god you are basically an agnostic (details of agnostic here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agnostic ).

you are forced to beleive in him at school.

Just pay lip service to it, you don't have to believe it... :D
root said:
try buddhism...

it's not so much a strict religion based on prayer so much as a set of ideas and concepts based on karmas and enlightenment.

I aggree I am not buddest but I really respect that religion.
I'm not going to argue with people who can't look beyond their narrow-mind set. It again takes a lot more guts to be atheist 30 years ago and today. We get told we are going to go to hell. Also, religion is something that is shunned? That explains why 80% of the people in the US follow a religion.,
Andrew2020 said:
I aggree I am not buddest but I really respect that religion.
I reckon I would go for Buddhism myself. His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso is on my 10 most persons that I would like to meet list. :D
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