Just a thought about Consoles

Only works on smart phones...As I said it searchs for bluetooth devices around the phone and then sends it to them. It slowly changes all your logos to skull and cross bones if I remember correctly. Then stops the user doing anything with it
Yeah, its pretty horrid. I seriously doubt the Xbox and Xbox 360 can be affected though. If you look at my post 2 above, you'll get my thoughts on why it can't happen, or at least, not in the form we see them on PC's.

This is the for the new Xbox 360:

1) PowerPC (Macs don't get alot of viruses made for them)
2) The hard drive won't read Executable files you place on them (or any other virus data you may have unless its come from Xbox Live, which I doubt is possible), since it'll only look for Music and Images in a few formats.

3) DVD's from publishers are not likely to contain them, as well as Demo Discs. Even if they do, developers can't make use of the hard drive for use in games since not every system bought has one in the first place, so no viruses can be stored this way.
Consoles are much safer than pcs because they only have a very limited number of ports. Pcs have many more and opened by applications that are running with potential exploits
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