Jokes N Stuff!

Ha, I got a good chuckle out of that part where he says that 1GB ram is better than 8GB's of ram...well, he's still learning. :rolleyes:
Can a kangaroo jump higher than a house?
Of course, a house doesn't jump.

My neighbors are listening to great music.
Whether they like it or not. (turning up the volume)

What would Jesus least favorite gun be?
A nail gun.

Sometimes I drink water.
just to surprise my liver.

If I wanted to commit suicide, I would climb up to the height of Kim Kardashian's ego and jump down to her IQ level
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Q: What do you call a cow that just gave birth?
A: Decalfeinated


You are on a horse, galloping at a constant speed. On your right side is a sharp drop off, and on your left side is an elephant traveling at the same speed as you. Directly in front of you is another galloping horse but your horse is unable to overtake it. Behind you is a lion running at the same speed as you and the horse in front of you. What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation? Get your drunk ass off the merry-go-round!
Ever heard of anti-jokes?

A horse walks in to a bar.
The bartender then asks "Why the long face?"..... The horse was incapable of understanding the humane language, promptly poops on the floor and leaves.
Q. What can you give and keep at the same time?
A. A cold!


Yo momma is so fat when she got on the scale it said, "I need your weight not your phone number."
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