I got a tattoo

Looks cool!

getting it over your kidney won't do any damage? I am no expert on these tatoo's but doesn't the ink damage tissue or whatever around the area? I want to get a tatoo...but i want to get it somewhere where it won't hurt lol.
No it doesn't do tissue damage, it's just supposed to be in about 3 or 4 layers of your 7 layers of skin. It takes an experienced tattooist to know how deep to go. And FYI, there isn't a place you can get a tattoo that doesn't hurt, don't let anyone tell you they don't hurt.

Not a fan of tatoos, is it possible to get them off in the future? Just curious...

Looks cool, though! :)
It is possible, but it's a lot harder to get them removed than it is to have them put on, so you should be absolutely sure that it's what you want.

Yes, but it is expensive, painful, can be a pretty long process, and usually doesn't remove it 100%.
There will always be scarring on the skin from the trauma of being stabbed with needles for a few hours.

Yes sir, laser treatment nowadays is quite advanced. In fact, with about 7 treatments for $100 dollars each it is very possible to fully remove the tattoo without leaving any traces. The treatments do not hurt nearly as much as... well... the tattoo.
There will always be traces of a tattoo, the actual ink can be removed but the scarring will never go away.
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