How many saltines in a minute?


Golden Master
How many can you eat in a minute, no drinks during. No cheating. I think I heard its impossible to eat more than 11 in a minute.

This is completely random, but I was just eating saltines and remebered the time I tried, and got like 6, lol.

Try it, it sounds easy, but its not...
Yeah it is really hard. Me and some friends did it a few times. The crackers absorb all of the saliva in your mouth and makes it hard.
damn, i suck.... i just tried it and i was only able to get 4..... barely.... i think ima go drink a gallon of water now...
yea cuz if you ever learned about osmosis and stuff, salt overwhelms the water and the cracker basically takes all the saliva into the bread and the salt then dries up your mouth preventing you from making more basically
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