Guild Wars!!

Wow, those are some pretty big goals to meet. Atleast for me they would be.

Nexus, I am helping people do the very first wall for 50 gold per person, lol.

I have bought The Chest and Leggins so far. And I can already tell a major diforence! Now people barly even damege me. By the end of to day I should have a new Helment.
Okay, crazy stuff keeps hapening on Guild Wars

This guy was all, can someone give me some money, I just got ripped off. So out of curiousity I asked him by how much and he says, 50k!

So I asked him, how did you get ripped of that much.. He said I guy had two accounts and he wanted to sell one and so He was gonna buy another Guild War account so he could have 4 more people to make. But the guy took his money and ran. Not only did he lose all of his savings, but he sold the armor off of it back to come up with the 50k.

So then we get to talking and he says, I have some money on a difforent player of mine, can I get on that and give you some money and then come back on this Charector and get the money.

So I was like sure. The guy gives me 10k! I was shocked. I coulda just left and had sooo much money, I coulda bought anything I wanted. But being the nice guy I am I stayed there and gave him back his money.

But the guy is dumb though, he JUST loses 50k to some guy and then gives 10k to a guy he just me 5 min ago. Luckly it was me and not some other person that woulda walked. lol, and belive me, it crossed my mind.

#2 And then Last night a girl goes, if someone gives me 50g I will give them 500. I was like, how can you give someone 500 if you do not even have 50? She says, becasue I can..So I was not expecting to get the 50 back but she needed it to pay for storege. So I gave it to her, 5 sec. later she gives me 760 gold. So, that was pretty awsome!! :D
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