Global Warming

global warming...thats so stupid..

i hasn't gotten over like 40 degrees here in the midwest and it is currently snowing, and freezing. global warming? pleease.
You may not think that gobal warming exsists at the moment but do you seriously think that pumping so much C02 into the atmosphere is doing anygood!? Anyway most respectable scientist think that global warming exsists and say that something has to be done about it . Its just george bush that refuses to believe that something has to be done about this problem unless no money will be spent that he could be using to create bigger weapons that can kill more people.
This is a subject that has been tossed about from both sides of the coin, everyone is intitled to their opinion to the matter, But one thing for sure is that our global weather is changing wether you are aware of it or not. every year our seasons are titlted just a little toward the warped side of reality.

In all it's no wonder nature reacts to how humans have changed it. One cannot deny the fact that summer's are more hoter, Winter's are more colder, and hurricanes are more intence. The hole over the poles are no joke, The ozone that protects us from the sun's ultraviolet light is getting bigger. C02 is being pumped into the atmosphere causing weather to change, and if you can't see that happening...Then you are truely blind to the law of nature.

Although i don't need to watch documentary's and read books to know that whatever is going on with our climate, it will only get worse if nothing is done about it now. We still have time to change the way human's burn fossil fuels.
One way to start is to get off the addiction of petroleum, and get onto future technology for resolving this issue.

The sad thing is that It will in the end, come down to the mighty dollar and the utlity company's as well as the oil industry, will continue to make the rules, or at least pay for them.
You may not think that gobal warming exsists at the moment but do you seriously think that pumping so much C02 into the atmosphere is doing anygood!? Anyway most respectable scientist think that global warming exsists and say that something has to be done about it . Its just george bush that refuses to believe that something has to be done about this problem unless no money will be spent that he could be using to create bigger weapons that can kill more people.

As it said in An Inconvenient Truth

"Its difficult for a man to understand when his salary depends on him not understanding"

My sci teacher showed us a show with a agruement of global warming and is it real.

The man who was agrueing Global Warming was getting a modest salary from his governemnt who didn't really care which way he titled.

THe man who was agruing aganist it was getting paid by Exxon Mobile.

Tell me which opinion do you consider more bias?

Another study
928 articles reviewed from scitenfic jounrals (randomly picked prob by a computer) that had to deal with global arming.

Not a % but an ammount of studies that suggest global warming was not real, and not a problem.


Same ammount of articles from the public view point.

not a # but a % 53% this tells me oen thing.

I bet out of that 53% a large portion of those writers prob got a tip to tilt the story.

Saying global warming isn't real, and saying it isn't an issue, is stupidty on your part.

If the Ice caps melt at the rate they are melted, within the next 100 years WTC will be under about 10 feet of water, most of newyork will be fishing ground. Hey it'll be a boost to the local fishing economy.
Global warming is retarded. It has been snowing for almost a month in mumerous states including Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, Montanna, Wyoming, and now Indiana and Ohio. California even got ice on thier precious oranges (which will be skyrockiting in price this year). Global warming it dumb and false.
Yes, thats why Germany has gone the longest ammount of time without snow since well heh we started keeping records...

Did you know Flordia could become America's smallest state due to the raise of sea level.

Find me on good scitenfic article that from a unbias source (Not exxon mobile homepage) that states global warming is not a threat.
you can't say that just because a guy is paid by a certain company to carry out research that that research isn't valid...

Most scientist have ethics.

money doesn't always come into those ethics. (though adminitdly it can)

there is a hell of a lot of science based puerly on speculations.
global warming is 'bad science' based on the fact that it's all conjecture and prediction.
however that doesn't make it untrue does it?
Al Gore just wants attention so he made some scientists do false research. And how do you keep track of Germany?
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