It feels good...


Golden Master
to be back.

As many of you know the first month of the summer I had a very heated argument with a certain 14 year old :)o ). Well, after reading some of your posts I realized that I needed to take some time off to deal with my personal demons. I have taken that time- and am now getting back online. I haven't really touched the internet except to do research since I left, but now my little sabbatical is over.

I can't wait for this wondrous experiences on this forum that we will surely share.
Welcome back. We had a couple of hiccups while you were gone, but the ban hammorz took care of that.
Welcome back.. I recently returned as well, but didn't make it out in the open since I disappear usually just as quickly due to my work schedule.

To be honest, I was totally thinking of 'It feels good... to be a gangster," the song in Office Space.. lol.

Thanks for bringing that wonderful memory back.
I missed you Thelis. Now my loins are warm with excitement.


Good to have you back man. I really did miss your usual antics and shenanigans.
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