Ever been screwed over?

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dang...all of this talk about grades and stuff made me realize i have 2 tests tomorrow. thank you guys! i'd have died if i had forgotten
jac006 said:
well, u see, staright a's is a 4.0. at least at my school. everything b's and a's is like 3.5 or seomthing. but i have striaght a's and more so yeah.

Well in the college world you can't boost your grade past 4.0.. at least in California that is..
hey gian
are you busking for uni's are they paying you to help get more students into, to me it sounds like your saying, you won't get anywhere in life without a degree, how full of crap can you be, just the other day I was reading the paper, and an APPRENTICE in his 3rd year was earning 90 000 he hadn't even finished his appreticeship, this is in australia, i don;t think you would earn that much even if you finished your course and got a good job. Sorry your wrong again, BTW would you be interested in a contract, i'm thinking of starting a comedy show and would love for you to be the star, we could give you a word like politics and listen to you pull yourself apart and contradict yourself
let me know what you think
unless he won the lottery or something. or be a gamer and get paid 500,000 a year. well the no. 1 gamer in the world. that is.. or the top three. yeha.
Jack22.. a 2.5 GPA is about a C+..

Jack05 (Not to be confused with Jack22), I'm not doing anything like that. You are the one who is acting like you are full of it. You don't have a degree you won't get too far. There are exceptions to that like with acting. But the apprenticeship stuff just doesn't fly in the United States. This isn't the 19th century where universities were only for the rich. Welcome to the 21st century. I'm right in this regard. Maybe not initially would I be making as much as money as someone who is a college dropout or didn't attend.. but eventually.. according to chance, I would be making many times more then that person. You're also acting idiotic by saying I should be on a comedy show. You are the one contradicting yourself. If anything, you should jump off a cliff and get out of my sight. You are a walking contradiction who tears himself apart. Listen to me pull myself apart? No I'm sorry, you are just plain wrong.

Sorry to everyone else. Jack05 is just giving me crap about the fantasy world he lives in.
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