Death Penalty For Hackers?

Depends. If a man steals millions or billions jail time. If a man's actions causes deathes hrm. Lifetime. Death seems HARASH for such a crime. But i've experminted with hacking. Never did get too good at it. But I know one hacker told the gov they had holes in their network. Gov didn't believe him. So he hacked into the gov. computer system and made SURE they knew waht he did. Well the gov got ahold of him and hired him to patch up the holes. Thats a good hacker. But someone that hacks your bank account and makes withdraws is bad.
Re: Well...

setishock said:
That's too whacked out to put any serious faith in.
But if these guys get nailed, while serving their sentence out why not do some behavior modifications? Drug and chemical therapy along with phyciatric consoling could produce usefull behavor. Then on top of that have it so a corporate sponser would have to sponser them a job and living quarters in order to get out. And have them on parole for the rest of their life.

that would be evil. shoving drugs into people who are probably already drug addicts and expecting them to change for society?? the people who choose to hack with their lives are most likely smart people, and they realize that theyre different. thats why they dont take part in society. it wouldnt be safe to force them to. they havent done anything evil, they dont kill or rape like the people who actually deserve to get the penalty. this just shows how marvellous the system is.
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