Codes.. more like the war kinds


I have been researching codes on wikipedia. They seem quite interesting and fun to use. You could them on people at work or school. But cryptology is quite complicated especially to people like me. Minds put together can accomplish much more than minds working alone.

Post in this thread if you are interested in trying to grasp this with me.ère_cipher

I understand this Vigenère cipher if someone needs me to explain.

does anyone understand this

did couldn't find one. But here is a diferent question.ère_cipher

I have comprehended how to make a cod using this method. I understand frequency analysis for the most part. But does anyone know how the formula for decoding a vigenere code work. I have read that part of the wikipedia article many times. The formula is 2 confusing for me to grasp based upon the info I have received so far. Can anyone explain this to me?
Funny, when I clicked on the link, I found this.

First, you need to figure out the size of the key (its length in number of letters used). Then one breaks the encrypted text into discrete chunks the size of the key.

Once you know what the letters in the key are, you can decode the cipher in the same manner as one does the common Caesar cypher (of which this is a variant).
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