British army LSD testing

Good grief, what next, not saying that US forces are into drugs, but aren't their personnel tested for LSD & other drugs too?, all the guys in Iraq etc are under a lot of strain, but LSD???, one of the first hallucigenic drugs but still pretty powerful even when compared with the latest.
LSD [Lysergic acid diethylamide] was first synthesised by a Swiss chemist in 1938.
I've seen this before...

made me laugh, when the soldiers are wandering around giggling, climbing trees to feed the birds.

notably most drugs have been tested on soldiers for 'effectivness' either as a combatant drug, performance enhancer or a truth drug.
(LSD, amphetamines and methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA/Adam/E's)...

sadly, a lot of drugs don't undergo field trials either, they are just tested on people in cambattant situations...

it's not great, but would you rather that no drugs were ever tested, I mean it could have been (at the time) that acid was going to make these troups like Beserkers or something, or it could be that Acid was going to be the most effective truth serum ever invented.
just turns out that it wasn't!
Brookfield said:
Good grief, what next, not saying that US forces are into drugs.

well the US army/navy/air force give a drug called dexedrine to some units (mostly pilots I believe) It's a medical drug (used for example by adhd patients) but from what I understand it's pretty close to amphetamine.
It's used to keep the guys awake and more aware of things around them and to combat against getting tired and fatigued. There is also some other drugs like this, can't remember the name but they tested it with helicopter pilots and with 8h of sleep during an 84h (or something like that) perioid they were still able to remain alert and fully capable of operating their helicopter.

and amphetamines, (or simillar) have been used as diet drugs for years, (before they became illegal), as they increas metabolism, and reduce hunger...

there are many legitimate, or at least semi legitimate uses for most drugs, be they, medical, military or religious...

Mamikoura makes a good point about piolets being given drugs...
which leads to the question, does taking drugs only become wrong when it's done in a social context, rather than for a real reason?
mammikoura said:
well the US army/navy/air force give a drug called dexedrine to some units (mostly pilots I believe) It's a medical drug (used for example by adhd patients) but from what I understand it's pretty close to amphetamine.
It's used to keep the guys awake and more aware of things around them and to combat against getting tired and fatigued. There is also some other drugs like this, can't remember the name but they tested it with helicopter pilots and with 8h of sleep during an 84h (or something like that) perioid they were still able to remain alert and fully capable of operating their helicopter.
As there's been several helicopter incidents resulting in loss of lives, perhaps, just perhaps those pilots had too much of whatever drug they were given, making them hyper-attentive, the dosage level of powerful drugs given for whatever purpose is very critical, a few micrograms either way could result in totally different reactions, I only hope to god that the medics that administer them are alert too, & well-trained, apparently there are so few Marine & Army doctors that other ranks medics are sometimes required to carry out the injections or hand out the pills.
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