Assisted suicide

Nik00117 said:
Thers a law going around in Britain atm and america. Basically they want doctors to be aloud to help patients who are extermely sick, and there chance of survivial is really, really low they can have themsevles kiled. They would have safegrauds in it where you'd have to have it written in a living will, and a lot of witnesses andd stuff and you'd have to be the one to say it. You can't have your husband or sombody agree with it, and stuff it has to be your chocie. Either in a written living will or by your own words.

They'd do it with mecidcie its painless. You feel no pain on the way down, its kinda like you go into a peaceful sleep, and doze off and never wake up again, much like I figure most of us perfer to die.

Example lung cancer, VERY, VERY, VERY, did I mention very few poeple survive this type of cancer without a transplate. Lets say your so high up on the list and don't got long to live. You figure I can either wait 3 months and die a slow death. Or I can go into a peaceful sleep, and merely not wake up again.

I'm in favor of this law, because I mean its only for those who have been diagnozed of a disease or sickness and have very little time to live. Doctors say they can do it easly, and they've done it in other countires and well it works. YOu go to sleep, and simply don't wake up. Theres no pain invovled. What do you think?

PLEASE NOTE: You have to been diagozed by a doctor, have less than 6 months to live, you have to say it yourself or have it written in a living LEGAL will.
hmm it is still suicide, and christians believe you go to hell if you do it...
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