Anyone Up For Brawl?


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
United States
so i am bored, and got nobody to play brawl with, and i dont know how to set up the online thing either, might be easier if i actually have some friends that owns a wii and SSBB, anyways my code is
so add me or something.
and tell me yours if you end up adding me, if i need yours to add.
p.s. i am actually not that good, at least to the pros, but i think i am alright at this game, and i dont cheat, at least i dont think i do, and none of my friends called me a cheater yet
I would do, but its not available here in the UK yet :|

Oh and I don't have a Wii, haha
i am home this sunday i will try and get the game cause it looks cool and try and get it working on internet. (browse naughty websites with the wiimotes would be cool.)
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