Anyone into playing sports?


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What with the olympics going on, I wondered if anyone else on here was into much sport.

I tend to play badminton once in a while, I'm not any good lol but it's great fun. Anyone else play?
road cycling and lots of it .been a pretty poor summer for it this year in the uk tho not done nearly as many miles as id liked to have done
Ski, snowmobile, sometimes ride ATVs, I lift maybe 3 times a week. That's my favorite, I only go like 20 minutes. But I have more energy the rest of the day. Except some days I end up really tired, lol. I also sleep a lot better. I'm a believer in exercise. haha.
Not really a sport but I dance ... to hard trance mostly (use a lot of energy, drink lots of water and it keeps me very fit and its fun) :)
Aussie rules Football & cricket...not much these days...the old age is creeping up on me.
I use to be into spring gymnastics. (making back flips and stuff like that)
i am out of training now. -.-
i might start again soon.... i hope.
Company softball team. Other than that, surfing.... if channel surfing is still a sport 0.o
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