All time favorite games

I just got into CoD4/5, good games..they don't beat CS 1.6 though!

Oh man!! I was just talking about Anima with some buds last night, Magus
Hahaha cool! :D
Does the One Winged Angel play when you chose Sephiroth or is that only in the JAP version?

before the start of the battle, you choose what song you want to play, so you can play one-winged angel all the time if you want.

I am seeing/hearing that it came out today. The stores I searched online says they have it, and people on some forums says they have the retail copy and showed pictures to those who didn't believe it.
Guess it's off to BestBuy today after school.
All time favorite game....HMMM...Final Fantasy II (IV) for the SNES.

**See my Avatar** Hehe
Oh, and people that plan on getting Dissidia. If you are able to set up xlink kai, then we should do some matches together.
Xlink Kai is pretty much a program that enables you to play certain systems throughout the whole world. Since Dissidia is Ad-Hoc only (People near you), you would need an PS3 just to play online with Ad-Hoc Party. But I don't have a PS3, so Xlink Kai is the only solution for me to play people around the world.
before the start of the battle, you choose what song you want to play, so you can play one-winged angel all the time if you want.

I am seeing/hearing that it came out today. The stores I searched online says they have it, and people on some forums says they have the retail copy and showed pictures to those who didn't believe it.
Guess it's off to BestBuy today after school.

Awesome! :D :D :D I could play as CLOUD and have OWA playing! BUAHAHAHA! :D

And to Holysky: Saw it as promiced. Not the actual themesong though :p

Eeeeiiiiiuuuuuweeeeeee YoooooojjjjuuuyakaWAAAAAAA
LEEEEeMEIIIIIIIIII Toooobalamalaaaaaaaaa
I got Dissidia today too. I got it from Bestbuy, so I got a free 16 month desk calender.
I'll give you time to get used to it, then we will fight through Xlink Kai (If we could get it to work) :D
Lookin forward to it :D
I practiced a bit and I can't QUITE get Sephiroth to do the metior shower thing yet but I'm working on it :D
Anyway, I'm having a lot of fun with Dissidia and I also got that calander thing, but it's just a bunch of cards lol (atleast they have all my favorite characters) ^__^
Well, I thought Bestbuy's exclusive was better than the others. Gamestop was offering 2 slip covers for the case, which I think the original is cool enough. Amazon was offering an free 10-track CD (Which I already own the OST). Target was offering an $10 gift card, and I don't really shop at Target. So as far as free stuff, I went with Bestbuy.

Sephiroth's Meteor is a lot faster than the Japanese one, in the US, the meteor just seem to come at you. I don't know if you know, but to make the meteor bigger, you hold the button.
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