Expand slower, less active sections?


My idea is simply to make all sections as active as the others. We know that 95% of the users on here use one of three IM systems: AIM, Y!M, and MSN. Yet, that section receives very little attention 80% of the time. So, why is it so inactive?

Or the web-hosting section? Several members have their own forums and sites, yet, it receives little activity. Why?

My idea is simple: Give each inactive section some creative thing that entices people to visit there more.

For instance, a lot of people like talking about random things all the time. So, why not incorporate a way to talk aimlessly in the Aim/Blueshadows section? Kind of like a social lounge to an extent, only, real-time and live?

or the web-hosting section, why not incorporate some kind of a way for users to post their websites in a way that makes it very appealing to members, instead of the traditional forum?

Also, implementing such things would boost activity and further promote the site.
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