Attention drawing posts


Golden Master
Thats one thing we can start with in our changes. As well as what we have, look through the forums, see what posts have the most hits, and see if there are some common ones. As well as that, we need to start posting reviews for our different computer parts. We have a reviews section, but it is fairly empty. People look for imfo on products when they are buying computers, and 25% of the posts in the general computer and hardware section are people asking what to put in there computers. So, post reviews for your graphics cards, motherboards, processors, Ram, Case, monitors. I will do a review for my mobo, and another for my old graphics card, and the processors, well, there isnt so much diversity in those, but make the a different thread if someone posted there E6600, for your E6850, even tho they are similar. Wont put a load on the server with some more posts or anything.

And, anything else that might help draw googlers to our forum, that would be good to post too. That way with more members, more possibilities.

AND ADD A PAYPAL DONATION BUTTON!! I am willing to donate, but first I want some changes done, and a donation button added. I'm sure that I am not the only one willing to donate.
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