AMD ZEN can't just lock threads

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I thought you guys wanted a free exchange of ideas. Personally I think about 50 people on this earth will ever find their way to hell. So saying that Gian is going to hell would be against what I believe. But Zen can believe that. Just cuz you dont like what he believes doesnt matter. Since I have heard numerous times on threads that people have a right to their own opinions no matter how wrong they are.
Its not that I care what he believes couldnt give to shits where his christian morals lie. What I care about, we made this guy mod. Mods hold a certain degree of responsibilty on this forum (so Ive been thinking). They cant go around saying people are going to hell because they are gay, thats totally unnecessary and not setting a good example for anyone. I think its true Zen is kinda subverting free speech take this thread for example he closed it for no good reason. If its spam or very offensive sure lock it. But from what I could see its a formal complaint against a Moderator on the forum and its posted in an apropriate subsection.
I dont want anything I was just outraged that Zen said that Giancarlo (whether I like him or not) is going to hell cos he is gay.
You really shouldnt waste your time on this since its pointless. So what if he said that what are you gonna do about it.

"These arent the droids we are looking for move along..."

Honestly I dont care if he said that. Much worse things have been said. Gian has told people to go to hell before. He has told me to go to hell before. So what?
There is no damn hell or heaven to begin with. That's just a bunch of human made up crap. But I take it to offense that someone would discriminate like that.
huh? hmm thinking... oh so you mean you dont believe in hell okay. Maybe ZEN doesnt either.

Still this is a stupid issue. You hate Zen so do many other people. Personally I dont care to be honest. I think I cant count on all my fingers how many I hate AMD ZEN threads have been started.

There are people who hate me too. So what. Thats their problem.

There is people I hate too. But to hate someone you dont even know is kinda strange. I hate people who I know and have met. Not someone who is typing behind their keyboard.
I don't hate. I just don't like some ideas people have. Hate is not something I can hold towards someone.
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