this is my last hope


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I need to develop a program in c++ that will store information on my bed and breakfast hotel that will include room number, First Name of customer, Surname of customer, price for room, price for breakfast and the number of nights.

The program should reads a list of customers of the hotel into a double circular linked list.

These input data have to be ordered in the increasing order by room number. After the program reads the last employee, it should allow the list to be updated with additions and deletions so it sould give a selection options. The program should make the following

Add more Customers

Delete Customers

After the program updates the list,

it should Print the new list of products in increase order by room number.
Implement the double circular linked list;
Implement the node deletion;
Implement the node addition;
Locate the node in linked list ;
Display information from linked list ;
correct use of dynamic memory allocation;
Calculate memory size required to perform the program before, during andafter dynamic memory allocation;
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