Fake Monitoring Message


there are some really simple ways to do this that have been over looked...

The net send message way of diong things is a pretty horrible hacked out solution, (what if the alerter/messenger service is disabled?).

(one, Use a VB program), -It's a little clunky to do it like this, and you can only really have the VB program happen after the login, most legal notices happen beofre the logni, because by pressing KO and logging on you agree to them...

The same can be said about using a VB script, but it's a lot more refined than a VB exe.

msgbox("Message goes here")

just put that in the startup folder, (or modify the registry to make it run at start up in the HKLM/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion/run folder.

And of course there is the Proper way to get a security lgon message...

Start > control pannel >administrative tools > Local Security Policy.
expand the Local Policies folder and ten the security options,
ther is a selection of keys marked Interactve Logon, you want to edit the Message Text For Users Wanting To Logon,
Message Title for users attemopting to logon,

You see there is quite a few things that you can change in this section that affect your PC.
That is by far the best way of doin it, as it's already built in and doesn't require much work, or rely on external programs/packages/services...
Have fun...
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