Camera distance from target VS picture quality for software


Beta member
Does it make a difference for a fingerprint software algorithms if the picture of the print is taken with a macro lens with a low megapixel camera (1600 pixels per square millimeter) or with a regular lens with a larger field of view and a high megapixel camera so that there is still 1600 pixel per millimeter square. The print would be much smaller in the higher megapixel camera.

thank you.
I can't really answer the specifics, but I imagine that the distance will only matter with regards the focal range of the camera.

obviously when talking about finger prints the more definition the better. (since that will give more points of recognition).

however I'm not certain that you are looking at the problem the correct way.
the lower quality camera with macro setting will probably give more definition of the finger print, yet not necessarily give more markable points for recognition.

conversly, the higher resolution camera that is not using a macro lense setting will probably not give the definition required sinply because it's not focussing on a single point, and to get the finger close enough would lead to blurring...

probably the high resolution camera, with a macro lense is better...

though you will always have the problem of focal length, (i.e the camera has to be a good distance away from the target). which is why scanners are mostly used for finger print recognition...

if you wanted to use cameras, you might want to consider something that is better suited to having a larger focal length such as iris. recognition.
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