router problems anyone willing to help?

Awesome, nice work. :)
thanks... i am going to post directions here in case anyone is having the same problem...linksys seems to be a popular brand for this type of problem and since the response wasnt even posted for my model and it worked i am figuring that this is probably the most common way to fix it...
ok i just figured out how to do this because this morning i had the same problem and linksys tech support was no help so i went online and started searching and this is what i found ...
also if you do not know how to set up a static ip here are step by step directions..btw i do not want you to think i am talking down to you i just thought that since this morning i didn't even know what a static ip address was maybe i should include that.
To set one:
1. Go to your Control Panel within Windows.
2. Go to Network Connections.
3. Find a connection (usually called Local Area Connection).
4. Right-click that connection, and left click properties.
5. Click TCP/IP and Click the Properties button below it.
6. Make sure to select the options to set addresses manually.

The addresses that you need for this project depend on the router. Most likely an IP address of, subnet mask of, a default gateway of, and the same for Primary WINS server should work for you.
So you have set a static IP address on the computer, e.g. with subnet mask

If yes, then wire the computer to a numbered port of the router. Open a command prompt window and enter "ping -t". It will ping the router continuously. Leave it running. Now press the reset button on the router for 30 seconds. What the lights to verify that the router is really resetting. Then power down the router. Wait a moment and plug it back in.

While doing this always check the ping output. Do you see any responses at any time?

If you don't see any responses ever neither during or after reset nor during power up then the router is dead.

If you see some responses during power up there is still a small chance. The blinking power light may be due to a bad firmware on the router. During booting the router before the router loads the actual firmware file it waits a few seconds and is responsive on During this time you may be able to start a tftp firmware upload to the router.

Of course, timing is crucial here. It may now work the first time you try because you have missed the right moment. Keep the ping running. Prepare everything for the tftp upload so that you only to press the upload button to start the process. Power down the router. Then power it up. Watch the pings carefully. The moment you see a response, start the tftp upgrade process.

Again, timing is crucial. You may have to try this a couple of times. If it works and you get the correct firmware file uploaded your router should boot the new firmware and work as usual.

If you are not able to get the firmware uploaded with tftp then there is nothing you can do. Your router is bricked. Kudos! Thanks!
it worked for me i hope you have the same luck
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