One Wireless Subnet of Another Wireless Network?! (confused......)


Baseband Member
Ok guys, I really need some help on WiReLeSs NeTwOrK!!!

Here is my problem. I have a cable internet connection. And my cousin, living right across the building (we live in an apartment), wishes to share the internet connection. Since I cannot consume 3 mbps anyway, i consent. But, however, he tries to connect, and his internet connection is very unstable probably due to the distance. Since I have two wireless routers and several wireless network card, I am thinking if I can put the other router in my cousin's house and that router will pick up signals released by the first router in my house, connected to the modem, by itself or by whatever additional devices I need. Then, my cousin can connect to that router placed in his house so he has his own "network". What inspires me is that the distance from my window to his window (so we can see each other through the windows) is only 40-some (maybe even 30) feet long. Therefore, if this will work with an additional device (or with some configuraton in the routers) can someone please tell me what to do? or even other solutions which will accomplish the sharing of internet connection are welcome!

Best Wish,
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