internet connection sharing


Beta member
Well here goes,
This is my first thread.
Scenario: AirPort(Apple) wireless router on second floor (not wanting to bring wires up to third floor)
Laptop(WinXP Pro) running internet off of airlink (PCMCIA) cardbus adapter. A pc(WinXP Home) without wireless cardbus adapter.
So. weve been trying to share my wireless connection on the laptop to go out the ethernet port, into a D-Link 10/100 Fast Ethernet Switch spliting out into my pc and occasionally a few others. We can occasionally connect to Trillian (instant messaging client) but when Trillian is runing, internet explorer doesnt find websites. My best guess is that its trying to use the ethernet port to access the internet, but then again. Why would it try the ethernet port for internet but use the wireless cardbus for Trillian?
Is there a way of switching which is the one receiving the internet?
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