Configuring my routers for Remote Management


Solid State Member

I need some help so that i can connect to my routers (which is at home) from work / cybercafe. How can i do it? I've got a Dynalink RTA220 ADSL router which i uplink it to my Netgear WGT624 wireless router. I have tried to enable the Netgear Remote management and make it available to all ip address but i still can't connect to it from work. Any ideas?
There is a program that you would need - like an OS which constantly hosts from your computer whatever website you want - once you buy the domain name. Your computer will need to be on all day and night, and your Internet will have to be on all day and night. If you're just hosting some files, then you might aswell find an external host - unless you want to set up a website. In which case for a begginner you should probably also set up an external host.
IF you have enabled remote management and assigned an IP to the routers then that should work. From my expreince, you just stick the IP straight into the address bar.
If your Netgear is behind your Dynalink RTA220 ADSL router then you will have do some configuring on the Dynalink RTA220 ADSL router. Let's say that the Dynalink RTA220 ADSL router is and the Netgear's internal IP is You have to get into the first gateway (Dynalink RTA220 ADSL router) and forward whatever port you are using in the remote management feature on the netgear through the Dynalink. (8080, 8088 or whatever) So, in this case you would log into and forward port 8080 (or whatever) to Then you can just use IE to administr the sencond gateway.
Via IE, you would type in the external IP and then a ":" and then the port that you are forwarding.


Hope that helps...

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