Power off, cons?


Beta member
I leave my pc on during the day, off at night. but my father keeps turning it off during the day when I'm at work etc, problem is, i lock my pc therefore he can not shutdown, so he just holds the button until it "power offs".

How is this going to affect my pc?
well, it just puts pressure on the hard drive. Its better to leave it off b.c. it degrades the life of the HD if you keep powering it up but its nothing major. But holding the power button to turn it off is not as good as turning it off through windows.
well since hes been doing it when i boot up it comes up with a blue windows xp screen saying "please wait..........................." and also my css (which was completely up to date) needs to do a full update of all the patches known to man (gig worth) so i raged at my dad. dunno if it was bcos of him tho.. :p
Nice language there Fracture. :rolleyes:

My thinking is, if you're not using the computer, it has no reason being on and running. All it's doing is using electricity. Since you're not the one paying the bills, I'd suggest turning it off.
You fail to mention who paid for the computer and who pays for electricity.

If he owns any share of that computer and/or you don't pay any part of the electric bill you gotta suck it up until you move out. Power it off, or put it in hibernate.

As for damage, odds are only the PSU will get hurt from this. If this has been going on for a while then you shouldn't have much to worry about as signs of damage should be there by now.
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