My Creative Webcam NX is pi@#$@## me off!!


In Runtime
Ok, so i lost the software CD for it, yes big mistake.
However, i do have the driver i downloaded from
However, i didn't get an application download.. so that sucks..

So now, i have a webcam, with a driver, that doesn't take pictures..
I don't have an application, and i don't understand why the camera won't take a picture when i click the button on it. Does anyone have an idea how i can get all the software and stuff that came on the original CD for my creative webcam Nx without buying a CD. I always find it wrong that they make you shell out the cash when you could just download it from their server.
UPDATE: I've actually found that Creative Webcam NX when downloaded with the full update package creates a folder in which a certain program when loaded from this folder

loading this program loads up this bandwidth frequency checker..

Note: I pointed this at my screen this time..

you can use the printscreen key on the keyboard while pointing the camera at yourself to take a picture.. but this is a bootleg method because this app is only for changing banding frequency..

so i then pasted the picture to mspaint.exe and cut it out of the desktop and made myself a pic..
Picture that was once here was erased. Oct 17, 2005.
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