Multiple disks -> 1 volume.


Beta member
Hey all! First post! Anyway, I'll just get straight to my question... no need for long introduction. Obviously, you can represent a disk with more than one volume. What I would like to know is if you can represent more than one disk as one volume... for simplicity's sake. For example, have two hard disks, a 20 GB and a 40 GB, represented as a single 60 GB volume. I haven't heard anything about it, but if there's any way that's possible, please respond. If it's not currently possible, it would be a pretty neat concept to explore. Thanks!
What you are talking about is "volume spanning" and that is what you should look up. you will find links such as this I think you may be able to accomplish this with a program such as Partition Magic 8, notice from the article that this is like RAID, but without any speed or redundancy benefits.
Windows 2000 server, server 2003, and XP Pro support Dynamic Volumes which will let you add drives to any given volume. DO NOT use it for anything you care about which is not being backed up, because it ties to a unique number embedded in the hard disk controller and every detail about the exact configuration. If you break it in any way, you are in serious trouble.
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