Motherboard which one???????


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What do you think the best mother board+Cpu for me to get if I would like to build a gaming compuer have like 1g+ ram and an AGP graphics card.

Looking to spend $200-
thanks for reply im gonna take a look. Question if i buy the motherboard and the processor seperate then how do i put them together.
the mother board or processor (or both) should have instructions in their manual on how to install the cpu... but if you got a combo anyways I think the CPU and mother board would have been seprate anyways.

They are used to cool the CPU because they do tend to generate heat... you should take some time and by a book on the basics of computers it may help you out if you want to continue to get into this stuff, otherwise just keep asking teh questions. the termal pase is used when you want a better heat connection with the heat sink so the heat is transfered better, and the heat sink (with a fan in it) will hlep to cool the processor.

Processors generate alot of heat since they are very small chips, but do alot of processing and alot of current goes through.

Without thermal paste or a heatsink, think of your processor as a melted block of plastic, because thats all it would be, even after about 5 seconds of not having one on it, since it'd get to about 300 degrees or something mad like that and just melt.

The thermal paste goes onto the processor and is bascally heat conductor which helps the hot air rise from the processor, to the heatsink which goes ontop of it.

What the heatsink does is again, transfers the heat (usually Copper) up using a special technique, and then this then rises to the fan, and the hot air gets blown out.

All this in turn keeps the processor running at a good temperature (around 45 degrees C) which is alot better than it melting :p


Why do you want an AGP card and motherboard? If you go for PCI-E, you'll get more out of your PC when new graphics cards come out because its a newer technology.

I hope this helps :)

(Sorry by the way draconum, I didn't realise you'd already posted a reply. I was still writing this when you posted)
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