I am working at a computer store and need to know clean xp install


I am working at a computer store and need to know clean xp install. When people bring in their broken computers the guy always does this.

Any advice?
If you do not have a windows xp cd

You will need magic iso
You need to get your hands on a Windows Xp iso
Use magic iso to burn the iso to a disc

I have tons of windows iso's on my computer :). too bad i cant send em to you
it seems to me this guy blagged it abit getting the job even i know how to do a clean windows xp as ive done it a few times and im not that experienced with computers but i can do simple tasks
ask your manager how to do it.
Ask the other guy how to do it and then go to the manager and tell him to fire you because you shouldn't be working in a computer shop if you don't know how to do something so simple.
Ever stop to think that maybe he is in sales, not service? To sell you just need to know whats out there, and a general idea of what's compatible.

but it's as easy as pop in the CD, and follow the prompts.
I am sort of friends with the guy and yes he has a windows cd

but he told me to go on the internet and learn how cause he doesnt have enough time to teach me all of it but he taught me some
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