~half Life 2~

Damn right I did, it's installing on my PC as we speak and may a pox and death come to any that ever CONSIDER pirating this game!!
I have a question...I Just want to play counterstrike "2", which would mean counterstrike source. Can i just buy that, and NOT the rest of the game. I don't care about the Hl2 missions, i just want to play online. So can i just buy counterstrike source and still play with everyone?
Simple answer would be: "I don't know". I know if you'd purchased the game before the release date through steam you could play counterstrike ONLY until today, but I think if you want counterstrike you need HL. Unless you wanna wait for another 'Condition Zero' to come about?
Just read the review on IGN and it got a 9.7, seems like it's living up to the hype, they also said it looks better graphically than Doom 3.
yeah, only the GTA series, UT series, and far cry have surpassed that in the recent years..
i saw it at my friends house
and it looks more real than doom 3
and the AI is crazy smart
theres so many ways how to jus kill an enemy in HL2
one word

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