for the exchange of the look

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Solid State Member
i have something for the exchange of the look for some who would like to do so, first of all i will assume that this has not been attempted yet so bear with me, as you see an appology was not the intent but the follow that i also would like to see...i see a computer with a clock...the bios boots 640k space, designated for the operation of the controllers for each outside devce a controller of many switches, these run to the ram , another space you might say like a swap area in a swith way...the 640k is a 640 limit that each time the computer boots you have a program to run and select how much swap area or memory you use, so what I will leave for you is to see the this point...a hard drive ,a riser card with a bios to boot and run 4 eide channels plus the psi equivelent of a bus, that bus would connect the sound video card and you could add that the video has a tv out...why would you need anything else but the 5 and the 12 volts? the rest could be swaped or programed on the same hard could even have a variable swap like here is what I see...a hard drive, a sound and video card that would plug to a tv...the boot process or programing could also be this...a cd that is already burned permanant...the boot would be to the cd and the thing that gets me is why? to reduce all actions liken a mp3? and save the ram use except for a music one or a new dvd, iso or? add a modem, and there you go...tagging instead of writing to your computer so much....and tag the program installation etc there online on a sever just for that? hello? help is a better word...George ps do not forget the keyboard or the mouse, remember the old style eide cards....they had it all there in one spot...

If you have any left would you like to share some? Sounds like some really good stuff.
Thread locked. If the poster would care to pm and explain this...
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