Benefits of 64 bit processors?


Solid State Member
From my understanding, the address bus is what is now 64 bits correct? It can just address more memory.. but 32 bit processors already access 4 gb of memory! Most normal people use less than this. Are there any benefits other than this? If not I don't see how me switching to a 64 bit processor will benefit me at all! I guess that's why they're not really marketing towards home pc's yet..
What do you guys think? :confused:

You are right to a point. 64 bit proccessors are not going to give the average person any extra kick because of the low end usage of the computers. but for science applications and archetectural rendering and graphics and thes types of usage, It is a shot in the arm.
Now as you see the type of posters that sign in here,the bragging rights of having 1000 gigs of ram as they spend Moms & Dads money is going to be a site to see.
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