
Hey that's good! Better than when i first started anyways :)

You should be able to create an ok alien in 2 weeks. For something like the alien that I linked to, it will take a bit longer..

You might want to check out MakeHuman:

If you set some extremer parameters than for a normal human, you should be able to get an alien quickly and easily. Unless ofcourse you already have in mind what it is supposed to look like. If that's the case it really helps to draw it out first and then model from that.

Thats rather impressive for your first go.

You seem like a quck learner and will gain experience pretty quickly in the interfaces etc.

You'll find with 3D modelling though, like I found. Its not the learning that makes it hard to do some things. I buiolt up knowledge rather fast.

What does push you along is experience. If you do alot, and gian alot of knowledge on how features work from actually using them, you'll pick up on it ALOT quicker.

I use 3D Studio Max.
Blender I actually find harder to use, surprisingly... or at least when I last used it.
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