Abit EQ & Overheating


Baseband Member
Since upgrading my computer and installing Abit EQ I've noticed a lot of beep codes while the computer was running. Looking them up they appeared to be most likely related to the CPU temperature. My ABit EQ has global beep warnings on, in addition to CPU/System/PWM beeps w/ shutdown enabled. According to Abit EQ the limit for my CPU is 80 degrees and the temp seems to fluctuate between 50-80ish depending on what I'm currently running. If i have a game running it runs at 70-80+ and will constantly beep. Now, before installing Abit EQ i never had any problems or beep codes so I don't think they're coming from the Bios itself. I turned off Abit EQ and the beep codes went away.

I don't know if Abit EQ is underestimating the safety limit on the CPU but this computer has more fans (5 at the moment. 3 80mm and 2 120mm) than any other case/system I've ever had, and I've never had a problem.

Is it Abit EQ, should I actually be concerned or can I up the default temperature? Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks
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