What Computer Game are you playing at the moment??

Re: What Are You Playing Lately?

niceties55 said:
Deus Ex, just found it again, NEED to play through it again, an AWESOME GAME
Probably my favorite game of all time overall. That, and the Grand Theft Auto games.
Re: What Are You Playing Lately?

i play go to work and do stupid hours to keep a roof over my head... dont have time to sit down and play a proper game...
Re: What Are You Playing Lately?

I played or attempted to, the second Deus Ex, Invisible war is it called? I just couldnt get into it, never played the first one so maybe thats why, i just really didnt like it.

At the moment ive kinda got loads on the go, Oblivion again but bored of that lol , Just Cause (funnnnn) , GTA SA and GTA VC. Ploughing thru the tutorial of Star Wars Empire at War. Dont usually playt games like that but looked fun.
Re: What Are You Playing Lately?

axis and allies for the computer im a WWII history buff so its really fun for me
Re: What Are You Playing Lately?

Bahawolf said:
I'm finally gonna throw down for the XBOX 360 soon.. then I'll be playing some Gears of War.. hehe.

Gears of war... that seriously needs to come out onto the pc!
Re: What Are You Playing Lately?

JikuzeN said:
Gears of war... that seriously needs to come out onto the pc!
I like it on the 360 actually...even if it did come out on PC, I'd probably just play the Xbox version.

I haven't really been playing video games lately...
Re: What Are You Playing Lately?

Too much work as of late, but I try to make time for CS 1.6 every now and then.
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