practical projection


Baseband Member
i need some ideas a practical way for preforming 3d projection. i bought a few books on this subject but they don't have good examples and the're too mathy. any suggestions?
ya! i realized that. i'm just looking for a more useful formula than:

x = x - z * vx/vz
y = y - z * vy/vz
z = 0

Projection Matrix:

[ 1 0 0 0 ]
[ 0 1 0 0 ]
[ -vx/vz -vy/vz 0 0 ]
[ 0 0 0 1 ]
ok. turn this:
x = x - z * vx/vz
y = y - z * vy/vz
z = 0
into something based on eyepoint x,y,z positions and x,y,z angles.
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