And yet another theme


Wizard of Wires
Not that it's gonna help get any one in the forum but to me it's fun and relaxing.
This time it's a red one.
I've slipped a 50% translucent filter behind the body and disabled any color. That way what ever the back ground is, it's going to show through and color the forums. I have two of them. One is 50/50, while the other is 25% transparent and 75% opaque.
As of right now I've put in a black back ground and because of the filter, it shows through as gray. Besides being a neutral color, the print shows up clearly and is easy to read. The borders are from the border command "ridge" and in this case I used "double ridge". Makes it stand out better.
The catagory strips are simply cut out of some artwork I have and played out rather well.
At the top you notice there is no logo. I found a template mod that allows you to put images in the navbar and may eventually put a logo there instead of at the top, I also found another template mod that spaces out the catagories and lets you adjust the distance between them. You'll find both of those in Seti's Work Shop under the names Raw and Raw 2. I used them both and so far nothing bad has happened. They are for the 3.8 series only.
I know I need to find some buttons and icons for the theme, but so far nothing trips my trigger.
This takes you to the home page > while this one takes you directly to the theme >

So any comments or suggestions? (be honest but be nice)
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