Recording game footage


Baseband Member
Hello ladies and gentleman! I have a question that desires an answer. I know there is one, but I don't know what it is. I'm looking for a software/hardware that I can get that allows me to record videos of me playing games. I would really like to prefer the one that allows recording of PCs games as well as console games too. I would appreciate any link or advice on where to obtain one. Thanks and have a good day!
Well I can't tell you something that can record both like consoles and computer gaming, but I can tell you the best for
Sorry didn't mean to not finish my post. Well I can't tell you something that you can use to record both with, but I can tell you the best for each.
The EZCap is a bit cheaper console recorder, I've used it before (not HD) but a good product.
A good High-Def console recorder is called a Hauppauge, these work awesome!!!
A good pc game recorder is called fraps, just look it up on google it will pop up fast because it's so popular! Hope it helps;) My Twitter:
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