I Am God...Hand

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Solid State Member
Ah i see hunter on here all the time and he hounded me to get an account so id have nother thing to do in this pointless web design class that me and paradox both are failing o_O Anyways im godhand, im 16, i like pi, so does hunter, i like the word n00b, cuz n00b pwns, but n00b's do not. one day i will rule the world and ill make you all my subjects, good day!
We established this Godhand, I am Going to rule, and you get the country of your choice. Do not try and start a rebellion, soldier.
I tell you what, for a fair change, well split the world, ill give you the amercias, and i get asia, africa, euopre and austrilia, then we can war. Prepare to be pwn3d in 2012! But just to be nice ill break germany off and float it over and connect it to the east coast of america, we'll go over the terms and conditions another time. You'll hafta click agree to continue set up too...Gotta love it
But I want Japan... And you KNOW I need Russia, Germany, and Australia

I hate America, You can have Americas
Ok, So I get Japan, Australia, Russia, and Germany.

You Get North America

Godhand can get South America

We'll leave Europe, Antartica, and the Oceans open
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